Your First Visit to Our St. Louis Practice
We understand that you want the very best chiropractic care available. That is why Blumenfeld Family Chiropractic believes in providing the most state of the art techniques and methods available to address your pain.

When you schedule an appointment and come in to the office, you will be greeted by our warm and friendly staff. They will give you paper work to fill out and will make a photocopy of your insurance card. They will contact the insurance company and verify exactly what your insurance coverage for chiropractic care will be. We than take you back into a treatment room and will do a thorough consultation.
We will obtain a thorough health history, which enables us to get a good understanding of your current problem, as well as to obtain a thorough history of your current and previous medical background. This would include any current or previous injuries or trauma that you may have experienced.
Afterwards, we will do a thorough examination, including orthopedic and neurological testing. We may recommend x-rays, if we deem them necessary to achieve a proper diagnosis.
We Explain Everything First

Based upon all of the information gathered, we will then formulate a comprehensive treatment plan that will aim to get you well as quickly as possible. At Blumenfeld Family Chiropractic, we will take the time to explain your situation in terms that you can clearly understand. We have many years of experience helping people with all sorts of problems. We utilize state of the art, all natural chiropractic techniques that will allow you to well as quickly as possible!!
Our patients appreciate that we take all of the time necessary to carefully explain your situation to you. At Blumenfeld Family Chiropractic, you are not merely a number, rather you become a part of our chiropractic family!!

To learn more about your second visit, click HERE.